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Cannabidiol (CBD): What we know and don’t know

How is cannabidiol further from marijuana, cannabis, and hemp?

CBD or cannabidiol is the second most common active ingredient in cannabis (marijuana). CBD is an essential ingredient in medical marijuana, but it’s either extracted directly from marijuana’s cousin, the hemp plant or made in a lab. CBD, one of the hundreds of constituents in marijuana, is not inherently “high.” To date, there is no evidence of public health concerns associated with the use of pure CBD.”

Is Cannabidiol Legal?

CBD is readily available in most parts of the United States, but its exact legal status is fluid. All 50 states have laws legalizing CBD with varying degrees of restriction. the FDA relaxed regulatory requirements to allow researchers to conduct CBD studies. The Farm Bill legalized hemp, making it virtually impossible to possess CBD illegally. It’s like keeping orange juice illegal while legalizing oranges.

Evidence for the Health Benefits of Cannabidiol

CBD has been touted for a variety of health conditions, but the strongest scientific evidence is its effectiveness in treating the most brutal pediatric epilepsy syndromes, which do not usually respond. to anticonvulsants. In numerous studies, Buy CBD UK has been able to reduce the number of seizures and in some cases stop them completely. Epidiolex with CBD is the first cannabis-derived drug approved by the FDA for these conditions.

Animal studies, self-reports, or human studies suggest that CBD may help:

Anxiety research and clinical studies investigate common reports that CBD can reduce anxiety.
darkness. Studies show that CBD can help you fall asleep and stay asleep.
chronic pain. More human studies are needed to support claims that CBD helps control pain. An animal study in the European Journal of Pain found that topically applying CBD may help reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Other studies have identified how CBD can inhibit difficult-to-treat inflammatory and neuropathic pain.
I seek Some human studies suggest that under certain conditions, CBD may help reduce cigarette and heroin cravings. Animal models of addiction also suggest that it may help reduce cravings for alcohol, cannabis, opiates, and stimulants.

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