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Best Healthy Snacks for Dogs

There is nothing our dogs love more than treats. But with so many options on the market, how do you know which treats are best for your pup? Our guides are here to help! Learn more about dog treats, from healthy dog treats to homemade dog treat recipes. Finding Your Puppy’s Perfect Snack

types of dog treats

When shopping for dog treats, there’s more to consider than taste. Treats for dogs come in all kinds of variations and specialties. Some are simply for fun. Others can help anxious dogs, relieve pain or clean their teeth.

Finding the right treatment for your dog starts with knowing your dog’s needs. How old are they? Do you have any allergies or digestive issues? Are they gaining unhealthy weight or are they able to put on a few pounds? Your veterinarian can help you narrow down the best options for healthy dog treats.

Here are some types of dog treats to choose from:

homemade dog treats

If your dog is concerned about the quality of the treats and wants to save money, you can make them yourself! Homemade dog treats are a great option for health-conscious dog owners because you can control the ingredients. This is especially useful if your dog has unique dietary needs or is allergic to certain foods.

There is no shortage of easy recipes for homemade dog treats online. Common ingredients include apples, pumpkins, and bananas. You can use almost anything to make dog cookies, as long as the ingredients are all safe for your dog to eat.

CBD Dog Treats Anxiety

Cannabidiol (CBD) has become a popular panacea for everything from joint pain to anxiety. The good news is that this doesn’t just benefit people, it works for pets too! Enter CBD dog treats. These cannabidiol-infused biscuits are specially formulated for dogs suffering from anxiety, fear, and/or pain. Some studies have also found evidence that CBD fights cancer.

Because CBD is a hemp derivative, it does not contain the THC found in medical and recreational marijuana. Still, you should check with your veterinarian to make sure your dog can safely enjoy these soothing treats. It’s also important to pay attention to several factors when choosing a CBD remedy:

Ingredients: Make sure everything in the treatment is safe for your dog. Avoid giving your dog CBD products intended for humans as they may contain harmful ingredients such as xylitol. They may also contain THC, which is toxic to dogs. Conversely, CBD products containing terpenes and other substances from the cannabis plant appear to be best for pain and anxiety relief.

CBD Concentration: The packaging must indicate the amount of CBD in milligrams in each serving. Aim for a dose equal to 0.1 to 0.2 milligrams per kilogram of your dog’s body weight. 2 Consult your veterinarian for an accurate measurement.

Quality: Eliminating low-quality cbd dog treats for pain may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Look for the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) quality assurance seal on the packaging.

treats for puppies

Treats are especially important for puppies. Growing dogs need food, and training will be much easier if you give them tasty treats. However, when it comes to puppies, some treats are better suited than others. There are several factors to pay special attention to.

Ingredients: It is always important to know what you are feeding your dog. Puppies can be particularly sensitive to low-quality ingredients or treat full of grains. Look for human-grade meat in the ingredients list.

Calories: Low-calorie snacks are good. You’ll be trying many treats as you figure out what your pup likes best. The lower the calories per serving, the more your dog can eat in one sitting, and is less likely to become overweight or develop diabetes.

Size: Puppies are small! That’s one of the many things we like about them. Therefore, their treats should also be puppy-sized. Smaller treats for puppies are less likely to choke. Of course, “small” has to do with dog breeds. puppies can handle slightly larger treats than young Pomeranians.
dog training treats

Like many of us, dogs are motivated by the promise of something tasty. That’s why snacks are an effective tool for training. However, finding the right dog training treats may not be as simple as you think. Considerations: Are snacks high in value? A “high-value” treat is something very special that your dog can only get as a reward during training. The better the treatment, the more likely the training will be effective.

What increases the value of treatment?

Smell: A dog’s sense of smell is one of its most important tools. In fact, recent studies have shown that the sense of smell is directly linked to vision. Our puppies can actually “see” with their noses! It makes sense, then, those strong-smelling treats are more appealing to your pooch.

Taste: Of course, taste is also important. The best way to determine this other than trying the treat yourself is with your dog. Give them samples and see what they prefer.

Scarcity: perhaps the most important quality of expensive treats. Make it something your dog only receives during training. Even if they don’t taste or smell the best, the scarcity of dog training treats can be enough to give them a high value.

dog teeth cleaning treats

Dental health is just as important for dogs as it is for people. The best way to keep your dog’s mouth clean is regular brushing and professional cleaning, but dental treatment can also help. These chews can help reduce plaque buildup and eliminate bad breath.

Dental chews come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Your veterinarian can help you get started and may recommend a special dental diet. Here are some additional guidelines to help you find the right one.

Avoid hard foods: Pig ears and rawhide are popular choices for dental chews. However, if your dog has dental disease, food that is too hard can cause the teeth to break.

Limit the number of treats: In addition to lowering your puppy’s calories, limiting the number of chews you give your puppy can increase his potency. Too many treats can make your dog prey before they can benefit their teeth.

Know your dog’s chewing habits: If your dog is aggressive chewing, he’s more likely to bite off large chunks of edible (or inedible) dental treats. Swallowing these pieces can cause choking or obstruction. Tailor your dental treatment choices to your dog’s needs.

Snacks for Dogs with Allergies

If your dog has allergies, you’re probably already taking steps to keep its food safe. It should also extend to their snacks. Fortunately, hypoallergenic snacks do exist. These typically contain limited ingredients, avoid common allergens such as grains, and feature novel animal proteins such as rabbit or salmon. You can also make your own treats at home with the help of your veterinarian.

Here are some common types of treats for dogs with allergies.

Freeze-Dried Protein: This single-ingredient snack is made up of just one type of animal protein, so you can easily avoid allergens. They also use freeze-drying technology to dehydrate the protein without compromising its nutritional value. Here’s a hypoallergenic snack you can make at home if you have a freeze dryer!

Pumpkin Dog Treats: Pumpkin is a popular ingredient. It helps your dog’s digestion and can replace complex carbohydrates. Plus they taste great!

Potato-Based Snacks: Potatoes are another healthy substitute for complex carbohydrates. If your dog is allergic to grains or gluten, look for potatoes near the top of the ingredient list.

Single-ingredient bully: This type of bully is made with 100% animal protein and nothing else. You can easily avoid hidden allergens. Single-ingredient bully sticks are also a great healthy alternative to rawhide because of the low risk of blockage.

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